Exit Visa Permit Request Letter for Overstaying in India

What is a Request Letter?

Exit Visa Permit is an Essential document to travel back to their home country who Overstayed in India. Whenever you apply for an Exit Visa application, FRRO must ask for a Request Letter.

Thus, it’s a professional way to communicate with your senior or head of department in a positive way.

How to Prepare a Request Letter?

A request letter is a formal document that is used to share your information and thoughts in a formal way. Here we are sharing with you how to write a letter for an Exit Visa Permit.

Recipient’s Information

FRO/FRRO Address
City, State, ZIP Code

Subject Line
Request for an Exit Visa Permit for Applicant Name


Dear Sir/Madam,

Opening Paragraph
Introduce yourself – Mention your name, nationality, Passport number, and visa details. State the purpose of the letter clearly and concisely.

Body Paragraph

Provide detailed information about your request for an Exit Visa Permit. Explain why you need an exit visa permit. Be polite and professional in tone. Use bullet points if you have multiple pieces of information.

Closing Paragraph
Close your request politely.
Thank the recipient for their time and consideration.

Closing and Signature

Best regards,
Yours faithfully,
Signature __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Type your full name

Exit Visa Permit Request Letter Sample

Here is a sample of the request letter for Exit Visa Permit.



FRRO Delhi, 2, East Block-VIII, Level-V, Sector 1,
Rama Krishna Puram, New Delhi.

Sub: Request for Visa Conversion of —-Applicant Name–

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I, Applicant Name, a Nationality Name national holding Passport Number —————-, date of issue –/—/—-, valid till –/—/—-. He/She also has an E-Visa/Tourist Visa/ Business Visa/ Entry Visa with Visa number ———–, issued on –/–/—- and expiring on –/–/—-.

I am residing at ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-.

We are writing to request that you please grant an Exit Visa Permit at the earliest possible date. I am prepared to pay all applicable charges and assure you that I will comply with all the rules and regulations of the country. I believe that my request is genuine, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,


Phone Number

Here, the team at FargoWorldWide can assist you with FRRO services.

You Can Visit to Our Website For More Information – https://fargoworldwide.com/exit-visa-permit/

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