What is the Exit Visa Permit Validity?

Overstayed on India Visa in India ?

Exit Visa Permit validity | Fargoworldwide

Exit Visa Permit allows a foreigner to leave the country who has overstayed in India, lost their passport, or is a newborn foreign passport holder or child. The processing time depends on your stay in India.

Exit Visa Permit Validity is mentioned on the Certificate. Applicant Needs to leave the Country before the date mentioned on the Permit. Usually, it depends on FRRO.

Typically, FRRO gives you 15 to 1 month to Book Your Air Tickets and Plan Your Journey.

Exit Visa Permit | fargoworldwide.com

But if you have uploaded your flight tickets, then FRRO will give you 5 to 10 days extra in case of flight cancellation due to any reason or missing the Flight. You can reschedule your flight ticket and Leave the Country for another 2 to 3 days.

Please don’t book any flight ticket until the FRRO asks; otherwise, you can miss that flight. The processing time is 7 to 10 days, but you have longer overstay. It can take 15 to 20 days. Please consult your Immigration consultant or FRRO before booking an Air Ticket to save Money.

We are the team at FargoWorldWide that can assist you with the Exit Visa Permit process. We will help you with it

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