What Is The Fine For Overstay In India

Financial Penalty on Overstay in India

Overstaying in India is a serious offence. Because of this, you have to face many consequences, like a huge financial penalty and jail for at least 2 years. So whenever traveling in India on any Indian visa, you have to make sure that you don’t overstay and apply for an Indian visa extension and Entry Visa Conversion application at least 2 weeks before your visa expiry.

Financial Penalties for Overstaying Indian Visa

Overstaying on an Indian Visa is a Violation of Immigration Law in India. Due to overstay, the applicant needs to pay the penalty to the concerned FRRO in India, and the penalty will increase according to your overstay in India.

Non-Registration Fines in India

Every visa has a stay period; everyone must register their visa at the concerned FRRO office before their stay period expires. All regular visas, like the Indian Employment Visa and Business Visa, need to be registered within 14 days of arrival in India. If you delay registration, you need to pay the penalty.

The non-registration fine for 1 to 15 days is 500 INR, and the fine for 16 to 90 days is 5,000 INR. For 90 days to 2 years, the fine is 10,000 INR, and for more than 2 years, the fine is 20,000 INR.

Overstay Fines in India

The overstay fine for 1 to 15 days is 500 INR, and the fine for 16 to 30 days is 10,000 INR. For 31 days to 90 days, the fine is 20,000 INR, and for over 90 days, the fine is 50,000 INR.

Consequences of Overstaying in India

Overstay in India | Fargoworldwide.com

Overstaying an Indian visa can lead to several other consequences along with Financial fines, which depend on the duration of the overstay on the Indian Visa. Here are some potential repercussions:

1. Detention

If a foreign national is Overstaying in India after 2 or 3 warnings from The FRRO. Immigration authorities can detain them and send them back to their home country, and they also need to pay financial penalties.

2. Deportation

Overstaying on an Indian Visa can also lead to deportation from the Country, and Immigration authorities can ban Them from the Country for an extended period.

3. Legal Consequences

There is a very high chance that overstaying on an Indian Visa without informing or filing an Indian Visa Extension or Exit Visa Permit application can result in legal action from the Immigration authorities in India.

4. Negative Impact on Future Visa Applications

An overstay in India can impact your future Indian visa applications and may in other countries because Overstay is considered a violation of Immigration laws.

5. Difficulty in Exit Visa Permit

An overstay also leads to difficulty in obtaining an Exit Visa permit. A need to submit many letters like Request Letters, Justification Letters, Police Clearance Certificates, and many others. Overstay person Police verification is also a part of the Process.

6. Blacklisting

So many Foreign nations got blacklisted due to Overstay in India. And it’s a complicated process to remove it. Due to the blacklist, a person cannot travel to India for an indefinite time.

Suppose you have overstayed on an Indian Visa. We are here to help you With this process. Please feel free to contact us For Immigration assistance in India.

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