Can I Apply For An Exit Permit At The Airport?

Exit Permit | Fargoworldwide

What Do You Do If You Know You Need An Exit Permit At The Airport?

An Exit Visa Cannot Apply At The Airport. The FRRO in India issued an Exit Visa. And it’s not a one-day process; FRRO needs time to grant It. Foreigners travelling to India have overstayed due to a lack of knowledge about the stay period, medical issues, or other reasons.

At the airport, Immigration does not allow them to fly out from India. Airport Immigration Needs a Permit to enable foreigners who overstay to exit. An overstayed person needs to reschedule their flight Ticket and apply for an Exit Visa immediately.

What is the Exit Permit Processing Time?

Exit Permit | Fargoworldwide

Processing time is 7 to 10 working days. And sometimes it can take more than that as per your overstay in India. Prepare your file if you know how to apply for it. Otherwise, you can get a consultation for it.

Our team can also assist you in this process. You can relax, and we will fill out your application and letters. You can read our other articles on FRRO services and improve your knowledge about FRRO services.

You Can Visit to Our Website For More Information –

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