Undertaking Letter Format for Entry Visa in India
You Can Get An Idea From This Format To Prepare An Undertaking
Entry Visa issued by the FRRO in India. If you apply across the country, the Indian High Commission issues it to an Indian national of Indian origin and a foreign national who married an Indian passport holder or an OCI Cardholder.
Whenever you apply for India Visa Conversion or Entry Visa Extension in India, FRRO asks for an Undertaking letter from the applicant.
Address with PIN Code
Here We Are Sharing An Undertaking Format
I —Gurenter Name — an Indian national holding Passport no. XXXXXXXX reside ————–Address In India————— do hereby Solemnly affirm and declare as Under: –
I am an Indian national/ /OCI Card holding Passport no. X takes full responsibility for my Spouse, —–Applicant Name —-, an ——-National Holding Passport Number X, Date of Issue –/–/— Expiry Date –/–/—; He has an Evisa / Employment Visa/ Entry Visa Number XXXXXXX Date of Issue –/–/– Expiry Date –/–/– during his stay in India.
- I will repatriate him/her at my cost if anything adverse comes to my notice during this period.
- He/She is not doing any work/ business/ study in India.
Verification: I verified that on –/–/– at ——, India, they said my statement was true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and nothing had been concealed therefrom.
Undertaker Name
Date: –/–/—-
FRRO can ask for some changes to it according to your visa type. You can read our other blogs for more information about FRRO services.